Some useful tips from Ashraf PMP

Dear All,
Thank you so much for congratulating me and i wish all the best in your life. Below is my experience that i would like to share with you, i hope you will find them usefull:
- After the class, i went through the course material and the prestenation.
- I focused on practicing the questions as much as i could.
- Here are some usefull formulas that you might need:
EV = BAC * (work completed/total work required)
PV = BAC * (time passed/ total scheduled time)
standard deviation = (Pessimistic - Optimistic) / 2
stright line deperciation = (purchase value - salvage price)/time period
total contract cost (cost plus incentive fee) = finished cost + profit margin + (0.20 * under budget amount)
- My exam was at 8:30 am so my mind was fresh.
- I had a big breakfast, strong coffee and 1 vitamin tablet.
- elmintaing the wrong answers helped me a lot.
- As mentioned by Mr. Abarchan in the course material, don't ignore topics like professional responsiblity and human resources management.

I look forward to hearing your success stories in the near future,

Good luck..


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